Editor: David Slawsky

The 1975 Torch Yearbook was reimagined in 2024 through a public art installation by student Robin Kohler as part of Professor Adam Frelin’s Studio Experiments course. The project featured photos from Torch reprinted onto canvas and displayed around campus with a new caption added with masking tape.

Discussing the project, Robin said:

I happened to be carrying around the recent 2022 Torch Yearbook, which I believe is the first made in some time, and I wanted to put images from the yearbook into their corresponding location on campus.  However I noticed that the pictures from the recent yearbook that it’s all blurry and stylized photos of house parties and basement concerts from the Capital District underground music scene. I then went to the library’s digitized yearbook collection and chose 1975 and 1984 since they were relatively close to the uptown campus’ opening. I wanted to capture how I felt about graduating and how the University as a living entity exists separate from the students, and how it lives on without us.

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